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Each and every one of Human Wisdom activities - the workshops, the focus groups, the roundtables, the synergic contests, the art gallery, the synergic media... aim to reach two important objectives for the people involved in those activities, which also stand as defining elements of the Human Era - fulfillment of their aspirations and enjoyment of life. But this is only half of the reason to be for Human Wisdom. The other half of its purpose is to provide a decent and gratifying way for everyone involved in its activities to reach abundance in their life for themselves and their families. 

In order to achieve this objective, Human Wisdom has to raise itself up from the stage of a virtually utopian project and become a viable self-sustaining enterprise. In plain words, Human Wisdom has to find a proper way to promote, distribute and retail worldwide the results of its activities - its books, products and projects. 

Here are the two thoughts that led to such a way.

1. When a multinational corporation decides to come up with a new product they are able to launch an immense multifaceted operation. In general lines - they prospect the market for the potential demand, search for other similar products, analyze all costs involved and then start designing that product based on the results of this complex analysis. After producing the prototype and undergoing various tests, they launch the production, prepare a thorough promotion and advertising campaign and finally organize the distribution and retail of the product in all corners of the globe where there is a potential market for it.

It is their immense technological, financial, marketing and distribution resources that allow these giants to succeed in this paramount undertaking and no individual alone or independent organization can ever dream of creating a viable alternative to this impressive reality and become successful at a global level unless they find a way to set up an operation of the same scale. And as surprising and unbelievable as it may sound, together we can do all this at Human Wisdom. 

2. There is another aspect of reality which opens an interesting perspective. At least 50 percent of the cost of almost everything that we buy in a store or elsewhere covers the cost of the advertising, distribution and retail of that product. If that is the case, then why not find a way to turn these assets to the very participants in Human Wisdom activities? 

These were the two main reasons behind the creation of our own Human Wisdom Promotion and Distribution System as an alternative to using, and paying, the traditional methods of advertising and channels of distribution. Creating such an effective and beneficial structure for our common endeavor is not only a matter of prestige but also a matter of survival and ultimate success of Human Wisdom as a self-contained enterprise at a global level.

In order to achieve such a daring goal we have to be aware and eventually overcome a very delicate element in our mentality which has the potential to create important barriers in our endeavor. While it should not be so difficult to convince a doctor, an architect, a plumber, a farmer, a housekeeper or almost anybody else to sit around a coffee table and express their thoughts and visions about how to create a better world for all, or even convince them to write a book together or to act generously within a focus group helping others succeed in new ventures, it is expectedly far more difficult to make each one of these people become "salespersons" of their own products. Why? Probably because most of us seem to have a certain shyness or reticence ingrained in our mentality to the very idea of promoting and selling something produced by ourselves.

To overcome this obstacle there are at least three things that we can do. First, modesty aside, we have to become fully conscious of the authenticity, well-intention and genuine value incorporated in each and every one of our activities and implicitly in their outputs - our books, products and projects. 

Second, we have to realize the very simple fact that other people could never benefit from these values and could never join and further contribute to the development and enhancement of these activities and their results until they first become aware and learn about them. 

Third, we have to remind ourselves that none of us could create any of these outputs alone. Moreover, in order to reach their utmost value and positively impact people's lives in every corner of the globe, these outputs must relate to the actual conditions in every place on earth and therefore they must incorporate the wisdom and creativity of everyone from those places willing to participate. Which leads once again to the need for Human Wisdom to be able to reach directly the people from each and every corner of the globe.  

On the other hand, this being part of our nature Human Wisdom itself must find a way to eliminate the slightest feeling of embarrassment that someone might have from seeing themselves as "salespeople" when becoming involved in our self promotion and distribution system, and that led to a straight solution: 

No one involved in the Human Wisdom Promotion
and Distribution System
is doing any sales

How does the Human Wisdom Promotion and Distribution System work?

Very simple. Each person who visits the Human Wisdom web site and relates to its principles, objectives and means, is encouraged to invite other people to do the same - visit the Human Wisdom site. Each person who does that is automatically considered a promoter of the Human Wisdom enterprise and of the ideal of Human Era. That's all that anyone is expected to do to become part of the Human Wisdom Promotion and Distribution System. 

It is entirely up to each one of us to decide to what extent and with what dedication and passion we involve ourselves into this promotional activity. Some people may reach a few friends, colleagues, neighbors or acquaintances. Others may decide to use some forms of media in their village, town, city or state, while others will decide to make use of the powerful facilities offered by the Internet and promote our common ideal in a more extensive manner. Everyone will act according to their beliefs and motivations, and everyone will receive a fair reward for the impact of their promotional involvement.

The Promotion Reward

Each time a person purchases a book published by Human Wisdom or any another product produced or distributed by Human Wisdom, now or any time in the future, the promoter who introduced that person to the Human Wisdom site will receive what we call a promotion bonus. As mentioned above, the actual purchase is done directly from Human Wisdom without any involvement of the promoter.

Furthermore, each person newly introduced to Human Wisdom is also welcome to become a promoter by inviting other people to visit the Human Wisdom site, and s/he will receive the same promotion bonus each time someone who s/he introduced will purchase a book or a product from Human Wisdom. 

What makes this system really beneficial is the fact that each promoter will receive a promotion bonus not only from purchases made by the people that s/he directly introduced to Human Wisdom, but also by the people that s/he indirectly introduced, respectively, by the people introduced by the ones who s/he introduced. The Human Wisdom Promotion and Distribution System is conceived in such a way that each promoter receives a promotion bonus from as many as five levels of new members directly and indirectly introduced to Human Wisdom

A Concrete Example

Let's say that you visited the Human Wisdom web site and liked it, and then started to invite other people to visit the site - this way becoming a promoter of Human Wisdom. We will assume that no one else introduced you to this site but you somehow discovered it yourself, and therefore we'll call you a promoter "A". Let's say that after a while, some of the people that you introduced to the site will buy Terra City book. For each copy of the book purchased by one of your visitors you will receive a promotion bonus of US$1.00 (or CAN$1.20 within Canada). As mentioned before, people will order the books directly from Human Wisdom so you will have no direct involvement in any sales. 

Now, let's say that some of the people that you introduced to the site will invite other people to come and visit, thus becoming themselves promoters of Human Wisdom. We'll call them promoters "B". They will benefit from their promotion activity in the same way that you do - for each Terra City book purchased by someone introduced by a promoter "B" the respective promoter will receive a bonus of US$1.00 or CAN$1.20 respectively. Moreover, since you initially introduced all these promoters "B", you will also receive the same promotion bonus each time one of their visitors purchases a copy of the Terra City book.

The same thing happens at the next level - some people introduced by promoters "B" will invite other people to visit the Human Wisdom site, and this way they will become promoters "C". For each copy of Terra City book purchased by a visitor of a promoter "C", the respective promoter "C" will receive a bonus of US$1.00 or CAN$1.20; the same bonus will be received by the promoter "B" who introduced that promoter "C", and by you - the promoter "A" who introduced that promoter "B".

Absolutely the same thing happens to the next levels in such a way that each promoter will benefit from the purchases made as far as five levels deep into this structure. In other words, you as a promoter "A" for example, will receive the promotion bonus for each book purchased by: 

  • all the people that you directly introduced, 

  • by all the people introduced by your promoters "B",

  • by all the people introduced by the promoters "C" who were introduced by your promoters "B",

  • by all the people introduced by the promoters "D" who were introduced by the promoters "C" who were introduced by your promoters "B", and

  • by all the people introduced by the promoters "E" who were introduced by the promoters "D" who were introduced by the promoters "C" who were introduced by your promoters "B".

Beyond the fifth level, the above calculation is obviously shifted by one level, respectively - a promoter “B”, for instance, will benefit from the people s/he directly introduced as well as from the people indirectly introduced by the promoters “C”, “D”, “E” and “F”; a promoter “C” will benefit from the people s/he directly introduced as well as from the people indirectly introduced by the promoters “D”, “E”, “F” and “G”, and so on.

The above example illustrates how extensive our structure can grow, how effective it can be for the worldwide operation of Human Wisdom and also how beneficial it can become for each one of its members.

To have an idea of the potential size of the cumulative promotion bonus that someone can receive we can consider a simplified hypothetical example. 

If we theoretically assume that, from all the people that a promoter "A" would introduce to the Human Wisdom site, 6 people would purchase a book and 3 people would become promoters "B"; and if we also assume that the same thing would happen to each other level in this structure (each promoter "B" would introduce 6 people who would purchase a book and 3 people who would become promoters "C", and so on for levels "C", "D" and "E") then the total promotion bonus received by the promoter "A" who generated this group of promoters and directly and indirectly these book sales would be a bit more than US$2,000 or CAN$2,500 respectively.

To further illustrate the true "sensational" effect of this structure, if we would consider an example where the number of books purchased at each level would increase from 6 to 20 for instance, and the number of new promoters at each level would increase from 3 to 10, then the total promotion bonus received by the promoter who generated this extensive group of promoters and book sales would be in excess of US$2 million. 

Obviously, the above examples and calculations are for illustration only. The total bonus of each Human Wisdom promoter will evidently be determined by the actual number of new promoters introduced within the next five levels into this structure and the number of books purchased by all their direct and indirect visitors.

All of the above considerations refer to Terra City book since it is the first Human Wisdom book available for distribution at present time but each promoter will benefit in a similar manner, and with specific promotion bonuses, from all future books, products and projects distributed through the Human Wisdom Promotion and Distribution System.

Very Important

In order to accurately record who introduced who in the HW Promotion and Distribution System, each person who promotes Human Wisdom needs to choose a Human Wisdom Personal Code (PHWC) - a code of up to 20 digits of letters and numbers (without any special characters such as , . ' " @ $ % & etc.).

Examples: LindaJohnson, CharlesDumas, Corazon, Monaco2003, 123456789, 1000LosBravos etc. 

When you invite other people to visit the Human Wisdom web site, give them your HWPC and ask them to type it when they first visit the site. This will allow Human Wisdom to identify you as the promoter who introduced each one of these guests and offer you the promotion bonus that you deserve for all future purchases that these visitors, and their eventual future guests, will ever make from Human Wisdom.

Thank you very much for your involvement in promoting Human Wisdom.



Your questions, comments and suggestions about the HW Promotion and Distribution System 

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