“I’m asking you to believe. Change can happen”

Barack Obama   










February 17, 2009


Open Letter to President Barack Obama

and all Leaders and Nations of the World



Subject:      A World without Recessions


Dear Mr. Obama, Political Leaders and Nations of the world,

The extremely difficult economic times we are facing right now are being matched by unprecedented efforts of governments and people around the world. While these admirable efforts are vital for bringing the current crisis under control we also need to understand why our society had to experience such a deep crisis and what we need to do to avoid experiencing such an awful pain and panic in the future.

The first thing we need to realize is that all dreadful sufferings in our world such as famine, poverty, diseases, unemployment, insecurity, financial crisis, environmental abuse, violence, war and others, as horrid as they are, are actually not our core problem but only its effects. And we will never manage to eradicate any of these effects until we will eliminate their fundamental cause. Trying to find solutions to these effects alone will only temporarily ameliorate and actually prolong an ages-old agony. Daring to seek and cure the core problem of our society is the essential change we need to make in order to open ourselves to a future where only our vision and goodwill will be the limit.

The path to finding the fundamental causes that generated our core problem and a lasting solution for it has been best summarized by one of our great masters – Albert Einstein, who said: “We can’t solve problems by using the same kind of thinking we used when we created them.” In other words we need to go way back in our history to search for the kind of thinking we had when we involuntarily started to build up the main problem of humanity…

Let’s imagine ourselves a few tens of thousands of years ago, living in caves together with all members of our family, eating the nature’s fruits, hunting animals and trying to protect ourselves from ceaseless dangers surrounding us. What could have been the utmost thought that was governing our actions in those times? What could have been the most important lesson that parents were trying to pass on to their children? - What else than the need for survival? Nothing more important, nothing more vital... And if generations after generations of human beings managed to overcome natural disasters, diseases and dangers of all kinds and continued their existence on earth it was mostly thanks to their crucial continuous struggle for survival.

As surprising as this may be, survival of the fittest continued to be the fundamental principal of human society to our present day… and all along a powerful concept became the very essence of our mentality: the competition - competition between individuals, competition between companies, competition between nations.... Our spirit of competition has been attributed the greatest merits for our progress, but at the same time it proved to be the darkest cause for our most shameful acts.

If we sincerely strive for a better future we need to realize and accept that in an era of global living competition became obsolete and actually the main barrier for our progress… And it is competition the kind of thinking we need to change if we sincerely want to build the foundation of a better world.

We need to liberate our vision and action from this now counter-productive concept that has been gradually brainwashing us into believing there is not enough food for all of us, not enough jobs, not enough water, not enough energy, not enough resources, not enough markets… and had us fight to our blood among ourselves for them. All of these can be in abundance for all of us if we just bring together our knowledge, creativity and goodwill worldwide and focus them towards the common goal of flourishing our planet and enhancing the lives of all those living on it.

US President Woodrow Wilson wrote in 1921 that "The highest and best form of efficiency is the spontaneous cooperation of a free people." Cooperation and synergy are incomparably more resourceful, constructive and productive than competition simply because concerting our knowledge and innovative talent towards common goals in every domain of activity amplifies our creativity, optimizes the use of resources, minimizes waste and eliminates the need for counter-productive actions and protectionist efforts.

By stopping to compete between ourselves, our companies and our countries we will not deny or annihilate our genuine competitive spirit; but instead of directing it towards each other we will direct it towards the real challenges we are facing in our lives, in search for viable solutions – as those are our real competitors, not our friends from across the border…

Once we broaden our vision and action to a global dimension we will not have to fear any recession for as long as our world will have hungry mouths to feed, deprived people to shelter, dark places to illuminate and warm up, arid land to irrigate, ravaging illnesses to cure, inner city youngsters to help and so many other local and global challenges and needs to fulfill. A few decades from now, when most of these problems will be addressed we will look back to our achievements with pride, humbleness and wisdom, and know much better what should be the next step in the evolution of mankind.

To avoid any misunderstanding, the kind of change in our society mentioned above will not be anything close to communism or socialism, and will not be close to extreme capitalism either. This will simply be a sustainable human society where we manage to put our wisdom, goodwill, creativity, mutual respect and appreciation for the chance of living on this wonderful planet before our ignorance, selfishness and greed.

A possible concrete step forward

Dear Political Leaders of the world, we all know the beginning is always difficult and a fundamental change does not happen overnight… Still, countless environmental, humanitarian and multicultural initiatives of the last decades as well as the unprecedented manifestation of global hope inspired by Mr..Barack Obama’s election demonstrate unequivocally that the world is ready more than ever for a historic change... All we need is a gesture of encouragement and support from the ones we elected as our leaders…

As a possible concrete step forward we invite you to consider a sustainable development project worldwide called Terra City, which is essentially an invitation to all nations to bring together their values, creativity and goodwill, and concert their constructive efforts in the development of an unprecedented synergy worldwide aiming to find sustainable solutions to every aspect that needs to be addressed on our planet.

The attached document is a general presentation of the Terra City project and its website  www.terracity.ca  details all pertinent aspects including its main development stages. Terra City will be developed as a self-financed venture and no financial contribution is being requested from the hosting country other than a piece of land where the project will be developed. However, given the extent and significance of this project the government official approval and active support are essential throughout the promotion, development and administration of the project.

We would love to hear your and your nations’ visions about building a better world and how important you consider it for the future of mankind. Should you consider Terra City as a possible concrete step in this direction we would like to hear how you envision its actual implementation and whether your country would like to consider hosting this project.

Thank you most sincerely for your kind consideration.

May year 2009 be the commencement of a Human Era on earth!



Dan Bostan
Human Wisdom
Montreal, Canada



PS This open letter is being sent to leaders and people worldwide through written, audio and video media



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